Halloween 2016

Happy Halloween! 

When I started thinking about what sort of costume to make for Chase this year, I had two goals in mind. One - something comfortable enough that he wouldn't tear it apart before the first stop and two - I was definitely looking to capitalize on that red hair! It took me weeks, but I finally had an "aha!" moment and the pumpkin idea was set. I was able to get the "pumpkin" printed on his sweatshirt locally and used a spray paint can, a hair tie, and some bright green ribbon from my craft stash to create his stem. I was shocked that he actually left it alone most of the night and didn't shred it as soon as it came off.

This year Chase was big enough to start enjoying the fun so we walked around town this year a few days early at Trick or Treat the Square. It was such a great event! Chase had a great time smiling at so many new faces, was ready to eat anything that was dropped into his little green pumpkin basket (which he originally thought was for collecting sticks), and figured out about halfway through that he was supposed to hold out the bucket when we stopped at each booth. I'd like to share a very special thank you to all of the businesses and individuals around our community that participated in making the event so exciting, safe, and fun for the youth in our hometown!

On Halloween night, we took the opportunity to visit  family and friends. It's a tradition that Jarrod and I both had as children and we're so glad to be able to share with Chase. The trick or treating is fun, but time is so much sweeter when spent with the ones you love, right? Chase was even lucky enough to get to see both of his great-grandmas. We'd all like to share our many thanks for letting us come visit and for all the goodies for Chase - he loved the applesauce, apples, bananas, and pizza! :)

I hope you all had a wonderful Halloween as well! Thanks for checking out Seasons of Style!


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